16 Weeks Pregnant
You’re officially at 16 weeks pregnant, which means you’re in what many refer to as the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy—when you may feel a little more energy. There are other exciting milestones to anticipate now and in the coming weeks, such as noticing a baby bump starting to show, which could happen as early as 16 weeks pregnant. It’s also possible to feel some small movements from your little one! This article explains what tends to happen at 16 weeks, though every pregnancy is different, including how your baby may grow and develop and some of those symptoms you might experience while pregnant.
Highlights at 16 Weeks Pregnant
Here’s a quick summary of some important highlights and developments to look forward to at 16 weeks pregnant:
Your little one’s arm and leg movements are becoming more coordinated.
Your little fetus is about the size of an apple at week 16.
The second trimester is often the most pleasant part of pregnancy. Many of your uncomfortable symptoms may have eased, and you may be experiencing a boost of energy!
Look out for that “pregnancy glow” you’ve heard about. Your skin might be looking radiant this week!
Now or in the coming weeks, you may be able to learn whether you're having a girl or a boy!
16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
At 16 weeks pregnant, your baby’s tiny muscles are getting stronger and there are lots of developments happening. Check out some of the amazing changes taking place this week:
Your little one’s head is erect and their eyes can move slowly.
Your baby is starting to have coordinated arm and leg movements at around 16 weeks pregnant.
Your baby's ears are closer to reaching their final position, and it’s possible that your baby will soon be able to hear sounds before long. Don’t be shy about talking and singing to your little one.
If you have an ultrasound at 16 weeks pregnant, you may be able to see your baby’s external genitalia at this point in your pregnancy. If the scan doesn’t show this clearly, it could still be a few more weeks before your healthcare provider is able to tell you whether you’re having a boy or girl—that’s if you choose to find out, of course!
Want to share the news of your pregnancy with family and friends at 16 weeks? Check out these fun pregnancy announcement ideas to help you share the news with your nearest and dearest. You can even use these ideas to help make the announcement on social media!
How Many Months Is 16 Weeks Pregnant?
A common question many ask during this point in their pregnancy is, what is 16 weeks in months? You may know your stage of pregnancy in weeks, but perhaps you’re also curious about what month you’re in. There are different ways to group the 40 weeks of pregnancy into months, but at 16 weeks pregnant, you’re thought to be in your fourth month of pregnancy.
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How Big Is a Baby at 16 Weeks Pregnant?
At 16 weeks pregnant, your fetus is now the size of an apple. Your little one could be more than 10 centimetres long and weigh close to 4 ounces.
Your Baby: How Does a Pregnancy Look at 16 Weeks?
It can be hard to imagine what your baby looks like at this stage, nestled inside the amniotic sac in your uterus. Take a look at the illustration below for a general idea.

Your Body at 16 Weeks Pregnant
You’re now just four weeks away from the halfway point of your pregnancy. Are you getting enough rest and shut eye? Most healthcare providers recommend that when sleeping while pregnant, you do so on your side.
Sleeping on your belly at 16 weeks pregnant might be a little uncomfortable, and experts believe that lying on your back can increase pressure on the vena cava—the blood vessel that returns blood to your heart.
Sleeping on your left side can improve your circulation, allowing better blood flow to the fetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Try placing a pillow between your knees and use another to support your abdomen to help improve your comfort. Ask your healthcare provider for advice if you’re still having trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position.
Can you feel the baby move at 16 weeks? Sometime between now and 20 weeks or even later, you may start to feel your baby move for the first time. This is called quickening. But don't worry if you can't sense anything just yet. Your little one is still very small, and every pregnancy is different.
Your baby’s movements are also very small at 16 weeks pregnant, so it can be difficult to tell if the sensations you're feeling are caused by a rumbling, hunger, gas, the baby moving or something else.
16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Although it’s difficult to predict what happens at 16 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Skin changes. You might have heard about the “pregnancy glow,” and now it might be your turn to experience it! Increased blood volume in the blood vessels, as well as pregnancy hormones causing more oil production, can make pregnant skin look flushed and dewy. Although many women love the way their skin looks around this time, it’s also possible to develop dark spots called melasma (which usually fade after your baby is born) or to have the occasional acne flare-up. To help curb breakouts, wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water. You can also ask a dermatologist to recommend products that are safe to use during pregnancy.
Nosebleeds. At 16 weeks pregnant, nosebleeds can be an issue for some and might be due to increased circulation and higher levels of hormones. Even though nosebleeds during pregnancy are normal, this doesn’t make them any easier to deal with. You can keep pregnancy-related nosebleeds to a minimum by humidifying indoor air, moisturizing the edges of your nostrils with petroleum jelly and gently clearing each nostril one at a time if you need to blow your nose.
Lower back pain. This is one of the most common symptoms that can strike at 16 weeks or at any point during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy, and it's good to have some strategies to relieve back pain. For example, you can take warm baths or showers, stretch regularly to help your hard-working back muscles relax, pay attention to your posture and wear low-heeled shoes. Exercise can also help ward off lower back pain, so read up on pregnancy exercise with our helpful guide or ask your healthcare provider for guidance on what to do.
Dizziness. Feel like the room is spinning? Dizzy spells are common in some pregnancies, as dizziness might be a side effect of hormones that cause a change in circulation. Try to stay hydrated and avoid standing for long periods of time. If you feel dizzy, try lying down on your side, and if you feel dizzy while exercising, contact your healthcare provider.
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How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 16 Weeks?
Perhaps you’re joining others in asking the question, “Should I have a belly bump at 16 weeks pregnant?” You probably feel pregnant, but do you look pregnant at 16 weeks? Although every pregnancy is unique, it’s not unusual for the baby bump to start showing by 16 weeks pregnant.
If you’re wondering “where is my baby positioned at 16 weeks?” it's helpful to know that in the second trimester, the uterus starts to position itself higher and more forward as your baby and uterus grow and become too big for your pelvis. This may also cause pelvic pain or discomfort. As your bump gets bigger, consider treating yourself to some maternity clothes that might help you feel more comfortable.
What Does 16 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Check out the image below for a better idea of what your belly might look like around 16 weeks pregnant when you’re in your fourth month of pregnancy.
16 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
You may have a lot on your mind during your second trimester, even if you're enjoying an extra oomph of energy. For example, you may be searching for a comfortable sleeping position that accommodates your belly bump or wondering where to go for a babymoon at 16 weeks pregnant. Check out our list below.
Being pregnant can be fun at this stage! The bothersome symptoms of early pregnancy may have disappeared at 16 weeks pregnant, and you are likely to have more energy. Enjoy this time by staying moderately active with walks, a swim or prenatal yoga.
You may want to get a professional bra fitting to make sure you’re wearing the correct size as your breasts grow. Look for wide straps, full coverage and expandable hooks. If you’re exercising, you’ll probably also need supportive sports bras in larger sizes as your pregnancy progresses.
If you feel uncomfortable while you sleep, consider using extra pillows for added support wherever it’s needed, such as between your knees and under your belly as you lie on your side. Special pregnancy pillows are an option, too.
The second trimester is a great time to take a short babymoon. You might decide to go somewhere nearby for a weekend away, or you might be thinking of taking a longer trip. It’s always safest to check with your healthcare provider before you go on your trip, and if you’re flying, check the airline's regulations about flying when pregnant.
If this is your second pregnancy, it’s worth considering how things might be a little different this time. Read more about the differences in symptoms during a second pregnancy.
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16 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Healthcare Provider
Feel free to contact your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have throughout your pregnancy. Here are some common questions at 16 weeks pregnant:
How’s my weight gain at 16 weeks pregnant? Though not an accurate indicator of health, if you started your pregnancy at a healthy BMI (between 18.5 and 24.9), then from now until you deliver, you’ll most likely add about a pound a week. If you’re not sure what to eat to gain a healthy amount of weight or how much weight you should be gaining, ask your healthcare provider for pointers and see whether you can consult with a nutritionist.
Do you recommend the MSAFP test? This simple blood test screens for birth defects like Down syndrome and spina bifida and must be performed between weeks 16 and 18. All pregnancies are offered screening tests for birth defects, but you may want to talk to your healthcare provider about any potential risks and benefits.
Do you recommend amniocentesis? This is an optional test, and whether you have amnio or not, is a personal choice.
Every pregnancy is unique, which means that not everyone will feel the same symptoms at the same time. But here are some symptoms you may experience around 16 weeks pregnant:
- Difficulty sleeping
- Skin changes
- Nosebleeds
- Lower back pain
- Dizziness.
16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
As you work through this week of pregnancy and anticipate the weeks to come, consider the following to-do items:
Research childcare options and costs for after your baby is born. You may plan to be a stay-at-home parent, or you may want to look into local childcare centres or in-home care providers.
If necessary, schedule any dental work for this trimester. If you haven’t had a regular dental checkup in the last six months, now is a good time to do so.
Plan or take a trip—a babymoon!—with your partner, a family member or your closest friend. Plan something relaxing, and make sure to have a prenatal appointment checkup to get the OK from your healthcare provider before you travel at 16 weeks pregnant.
If you’re still planning on announcing your pregnancy to friends, family or colleagues, check out these 10 fun pregnancy announcement cards.
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.