30+ Pregnancy Announcement Ideas You Will Love
Finding out you’re pregnant is one of the most exciting times in your life. Sharing the news with your family, friends, and colleagues will also be very special. Your loved ones will be so happy for you, and it will be such a memorable moment. Though you have a lot to plan and organize before your little one arrives, one of the most enjoyable tasks on your to-do list is to announce your pregnancy when the time’s right. Read on to find out when and how to announce your pregnancy, and to discover some creative, cute, and funny ways to deliver your news.
When to Announce Your Pregnancy
Announcing that you’re pregnant is probably the next most exciting thing after finding out you’re pregnant. Deciding on when to announce your pregnancy is a very personal choice. It partly depends on who you’re telling. For example, you might tell your parents and best friends sooner but wait much longer to tell your colleagues and wider circle of friends and acquaintances. You may want to announce your pregnancy as soon as you find out, or you may prefer to wait until you’re through the first trimester, a time when many women feel it is safer to share their news, as the risk of miscarriage is lower. You might decide to wait to tell some people until after the first ultrasound, or until you know your baby’s gender, so that you can reveal your pregnancy and your baby’s gender at the same time. (By the way, you can take this fun quiz to guess your baby’s gender.) The choice about who to tell and when is entirely yours. Asking your healthcare provider for advice might help you decide.
How to Announce Your Pregnancy
Before you go shouting your big news from the rooftops, think about who you want to tell, and in what order, and how you actually want to make the announcement. For example, you could spill the beans in person, over the phone, or by mailing a pregnancy announcement card. And, let’s not forget easy digital ways such as by text, email, or on social media. The following list can give you ideas of who to notify and some common ways to do it:
Partner. Your partner will likely be one of the first people you tell, if you didn’t find out together. Here are some really great ideas for telling your partner you’re pregnant.
Parents and immediate family. Every situation is unique, but you might like to share your news with your parents and your partner’s parents—the soon-to-be grandparents—in person. The same might go for other family members you’re close to. Of course, if relatives happen to live far away, a phone call or video chat will also be much appreciated.
Extended family. Consider delivering your pregnancy announcement to extended family members (such as aunts, uncles, and cousins) either in person, by phone call or video chat, or with a pregnancy announcement card.
Closest friends. You might like to tell your best friends individually (in person or on the phone) or organize a group lunch where you surprise your friends all at once.
Boss and colleagues. When you’re ready to announce your pregnancy at work, your boss should be the first to find out. When you decide to tell might depend on numerous factors such as what type of work you do, how family-friendly your workplace is, whether you’re showing yet, and whether your workplace has any policies about pregnancy, and maternity and paternity leave. You should also familiarize yourself with the rights you have when it comes to family leave under federal and state laws. Be prepared to have a discussion at the same time about how long you can continue with your current workload, and who you might be able to share some of your work with as your due date nears. In your own time, let your closest coworkers know in person. Eventually word of mouth will take care of the rest.
Acquaintances and everyone else. These are hi-and-bye neighbors, people you only see occasionally, or those friends whose posts you like on Facebook but otherwise don’t have a relationship with. One of the best ways to announce your pregnancy for this group of people will be on social media. Of course, you can also choose to tell them in person the next time you bump into one of them at the local coffee shop!
Watch this short video to see how some Pampers Parents chose to announce their pregnancy:
Pregnancy Announcement Ideas to Surprise Your Partner or Husband
If you and your partner didn’t find out about your pregnancy together, there are a number of ways you could plan a surprise announcement. Here are some ideas:
Say it with coffee. Serve your partner a cup of joe in a new mug with a personalized message, such as “You’re going to be a parent.” It will surely brighten your partner’s morning routine.

Share your positive pregnancy test. Place your pregnancy test, in a gift box and let your partner open it at a special time, such as during a date night.
Hide the pregnancy test in plain sight. Think of a place where your partner is bound to spend a lot of time, such as the kitchen or bedroom. Hide the pregnancy test in the fridge, or leave it on the bedside table for the ultimate surprise.
Break the news in a photo booth. Surprise your partner with the news in a photo booth while multiple pictures are automatically taken. You’ll treasure the strip of images forever, and your little one will also love seeing it in a few years’ time.
Do a blindfolded guessing "test." If you and your partner like to play games, this idea could work well for you. Blindfold your partner and do a blind taste test of pureed foods, including baby foods, until your partner guesses what you’re trying to say.
Play a game. Reveal your news during game night, especially if this is something you two like to do together. Good options are charades, celebrity heads (where instead of being a celebrity, your partner is “pregnant”), or spelling out your message on a board game.
Book a professional photo shoot. During a photo shoot, have both you and your partner write down sweet messages on chalkboards. Your message will be something like “I’m pregnant.” Then face each other to reveal what was written. The photographer will catch your partner’s surprise.
Funny Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
You can be as creative and goofy as you want when announcing your pregnancy. If you love having a laugh, these ideas might fit the bill:
Have your son or daughter deliver the news. Have your older child wear a T-shirt or hold a sign that has “only child” crossed out and replaced with “big brother” or “big sister.”

Play up the “bump” metaphor. Wear an outfit with “bump” written over your belly while your partner holds a sign that reads “under construction.”
Let your loved ones know what’s baking. If you love the classic “bun in the oven” idiom, place an actual bun in the oven and pose in front of it. Share the photo on social media or via email and see who guesses what you mean first.
Get punny with famous quotes or lyrics. If you and your partner have a favourite movie, TV show, book, or song, do something creative with a famous quote or lyric, adding your own play on words in order to deliver your message. Create an image of it or record a video of the two of you performing the line and share it with your friends and family.
Cute Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy
If you’re looking for creative and cute ways to announce your pregnancy, these ideas definitely have the “Aww” factor:
Box of treats with a message. For sharing your news with coworkers, you could bring in a box of doughnut holes, doughnuts, cupcakes, or muffins with the news written on a tag or spelled out in frosting.

Furry messenger. If you’re a pet lover, you could have your pet wear a bandanna, T-shirt, or sign with the message “My parents are getting me a tiny human.”
Sibling announcement. If you happen to already have a boy and a girl in your family, you could have them hold a sign saying “Sibling tie-breaker coming on (add your due date).” (If you’re not sure of your due date, check out our Due Date Calculator.)
Career-themed message. If you and your partner are tech nerds, or you work in IT, you can make personalized T-shirts that say “loading…” to represent your littlest techie who’s busy getting ready to arrive.
Twin Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
Pregnant with twins? Make your pregnancy announcement double the fun with one of these ideas:
Eating for three. Take a picture of yourself holding a bowl that has the words “eating for three” written on the side. This is a great picture for social sharing, too.

Copy and paste. Reveal your news with personalized infant T-shirts—one that reads “copy” and another that says “paste.” Or, something like “We wished for one” written on one T-shirt and “But got two” written on the other. The great thing about this idea is that you’ll be able to use these tees after your little ones are born.
Everything’s better in pairs. Buy two pairs of baby booties and have a friend take a photo of you and your partner holding the booties, hinting at what’s to come. You can also use this photo on your pregnancy announcement cards or on social media.
Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Your Parents and Family
Announcing the news of your pregnancy to your family and the soon-to-be grandparents is a special moment you’ll all remember for years to come. Here are some ideas for how to make the big reveal:
Grandparents choosing their names. Let your dad (or mom) choose what he’d like his grandchild to call him with a box full of “my name is” decals with different options written on them like papa, grandpa, pop pop, etc. This is an especially great idea if you’d like to reveal your news on Father’s Day (or Mother’s Day).

Blindfolded take-the-hint game. This game of tying shoes blindfolded has been making the rounds on the Internet. Blindfold your parents and have them attempt to tie their shoelaces. After they complete the first pair, swap out the other pair with baby shoes and see if they get the hint. Videotape the moment to capture their reaction.
Personalized announcement gift. Give the grandparents-to-be a gift of a framed picture of your pregnancy announcement card along with your little one’s sonogram.
Photo op to remember. While taking a family photo, instead of shouting “cheese,” have you and your partner shout “We're pregnant.” The best part about this pregnancy announcement idea will be the immediate reaction that is automatically captured on camera.
Fortune cookie message. Have a local bakery make fortune cookies and provide them with little strips of papers bearing messages of your news. On take-out night, pass the cookies around to your loved ones.
Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy on Social Media
Many of the above pregnancy announcement ideas can easily be shared over social media, especially the ones where you can take a photo of the reveal, but the following ideas are tailor-made for social sharing:
How big is my baby? A popular way to announce your pregnancy on social media could be to share a photo taken of you while you hold a fruit in front of your belly, representing the size of your baby. For ideas on which fruit or vegetable to use, check out our pregnancy calendar and find your pregnancy week. For example, at 17 weeks you’ll need to pose with a pear.

A message board. For something elegant, ask a graphic designer to create an image (or create one yourself) that says something like “We’re having a baby” or “The adventure begins on (fill in the due date)” or “Our family is growing.”
Pose as a math equation. Have a wall or backdrop prepped with a giant plus sign, an equal sign, and a 3. Insert yourself and your partner either side of the plus sign and have a friend take the picture. Share the photo on social media; your friends won’t just “like” it — they’ll love it!
Announce it with pumpkins. If you’d like to share your news around Halloween, get a little crafty with some pumpkin carving, take a photo of the set of pumpkins representing your growing family, and share.
Spread the buzz with coffee cups. Coffee lovers, this one’s for you! Assemble a display of paper coffee cups from your favourite coffee shop. Have two big ones representing you and your partner, and a smaller espresso cup representing your baby. Take a photo and share, along with the hashtag #babyccino.
Movie poster message. Movie buffs, why not create a pregnancy announcement movie poster? All you need is a good photo of you and your partner, some editing skills to add the movie title, your and your partner’s names along the top as the starring actors, and the due date to go under the words “coming soon.” Then simply share over your preferred social channels.
Show a family-sized shoe line-up. Show the new addition to your family with a photo of a row of shoes including yours, your partner’s, and some tiny booties representing your baby. If you have a cat or dog, you could show your and your partner’s feet in socks, along with your pet’s paws and tiny baby socks.
The Bottom Line
We hope these pregnancy announcement ideas have sparked your creativity, and you’ve found the perfect way to surprise your family and friends. Sharing this news is just one of many fun milestones along your pregnancy journey. Next you can start thinking about your gender reveal party and soon enough you’ll be enjoying a baby shower that’s thrown in your honor. If you’re already getting your little one’s nursery organized, download the Pampers Rewards app to get rewards for the diapers and wipes you’re filling it with.
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