When Does Morning Sickness Start and End?
How soon does morning sickness start? Many women start to experience nausea and vomiting-aka morning sickness-in the first month or two of pregnancy, but some pregnant women may not be affected.
Read on to find out when morning sickness starts and when it ends, whether it’s different with twins, and why you shouldn’t worry if you don’t get morning sickness at all.
How Early Does Morning Sickness or Nausea Start in Pregnancy?
In general, morning sickness or nausea usually starts between week 4 and week 9 of pregnancy, and may be at its worst around nine weeks.
If you’re not sure how far along you are in your pregnancy, you can find out using our pregnancy due date calculator.
It’s not certain what causes morning sickness, but there is a likely relationship with elevated levels of the pregnancy hormones hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen. In women pregnant with twins or multiples, the level of hCG is higher, as is the chance and severity of morning sickness.
When Does Morning Sickness Start With Twins?
Although morning sickness occurs more often in moms expecting twins, it doesn’t mean that morning sickness will appear any earlier.
How Long Does Morning Sickness Last and When Does It End?
You may be wondering when morning sickness will end. Just like there is no common start date, morning sickness may stop at different times for each expecting mom.
Most women who experience nausea during their pregnancy find it usually stops in the second trimester of pregnancy, around 14 weeks; however, some women may find it can last for up to several months. Around 5 percent of women may experience morning sickness symptoms throughout their whole pregnancy.
Should You Worry If You Don’t Get Morning Sickness?
Although it seems as if most women get morning sickness, around 30 percent of women do not, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong. If you’re among this lucky percentage, this could be because you have a less sensitive stomach or your body copes better with the rising hormone levels.
Your healthcare provider will monitor your hormones and the health of your baby, so unless your doctor has any cause for concern, just sit back and enjoy the fact you won’t get green around the gills in the first trimester.
Morning sickness is very common pregnancy condition. The good news is it won’t last forever, and that there are also measures you can take to relieve some of the symptoms. Find out more about morning sickness, what the possible causes are, and how to soothe its symptoms.
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