125 Top Old-Fashioned Boy Names With Meanings

If you're looking for traditional and classic boy names for your baby, we’ve got an array of options to take you back in time and inspire you. Our list features the top 125 old-fashioned boy names which are vintage and sophisticated. Additionally, we have included popular, cute, unique and even some French and Spanish retro male names to help inspire you.

Popular Old-Fashioned Boy Names

Old-fashioned names for baby boys may not always be in style, but many of them are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. By choosing a classic boys’ name, you can keep up with current trends while still giving your son a timeless title. The list below presents the most popular old-fashioned boy names in Canada in recent years. 1. Noah. Derived from ancient Hebrew, Noah means “rest” and “repose”. According to the Bible, Noah built an ark that helped all animal species survive the Great Flood. 2. William. If you’re searching for a powerful boys’ name, William is a classic of Old German origin, meaning “resolute protector” or “strong-willed warrior.” Its popularity soared following the Norman Conquest of 1066, especially in England due to its royal associations. 3. Leo. Leo is often thought to be a shortened version of Leonardo, but it actually comes from the name Leon, which means “lion” in Latin. Throughout history, Leo has been a very popular name, shared by popes, bishops, emperors, and kings. Leo is also the name of one of the Zodiac signs and the Russian author, Leo Tolstoy. 4. Oliver. You can find the name Oliver in numerous languages across Europe, making it an internationally recognizable name. It originates from the Germanic and Old Norse languages and means “olive tree.” 5. Theodore. If you’re looking for a title with great options for nicknames, you might consider Theodore, which can be Theo, Teddy, or Ted. It means “gift of god” and comes from the Greek name Theodoros. President Theodore Roosevelt is a famous bearer of the name, as are numerous saints, monks, popes, and Russian czars. 6. Benjamin. Looking for a popular and old-fashioned boys’ name starting with the letter B? Then you might love Benjamin! It happens to be an ancient Hebrew name from the Bible meaning “son of the south” or “son of the right hand.” Among the well-known bearers is Benjamin Franklin, a statesman, inventor, philosopher, and scientist. 7. Thomas. Thomas is an old-school boys’ name of Aramaic origin, meaning “twin.” It has been a popular name for centuries, especially in Christian countries, due to its biblical significance as the name of one of the apostles. 8. Elijah. Another Hebrew and biblical name, Elijah means “my God is Yahweh,” referring to the Hebrew name for God. In the Bible, Elijah was a prophet and miracle worker. 9. Lucas. The name Lucas comes from the name Luke, which means “from Lucania,” a region in southern Italy. It’s another traditional boys’ name you’ll find throughout European culture and also appears in the Bible. According to tradition, Luke travelled with the apostle Paul and wrote one of the four gospels. 10. Henry. From the Germanic name Heimirich, Henry means “home ruler.” It’s no wonder that many kings bear the name Henry! The French introduced the English to the name from their version, Henri. You can give your boy the nickname Harry. 11. Alexander. Latinized from the name Alexandros in Greek, Alexander means “defending men.” It’s one of those fun old-fashioned boy names with a unique origin story. In Greek mythology, Alexander shares the same name as the hero Paris. He’s known for being fair in his judgment, fighting in the Trojan War, and shooting Achilles in his heel. 12. Ethan. Ethan is a traditional Hebrew boys’ name meaning “solid,” “enduring,” and “firm.” 13. Levi. This name has been soaring in the popularity charts and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It means “joined” and “attached” in Hebrew and refers to the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. 14. Sebastian. From the Latin Sebasitanus, Sebastian meant “from Sebaste,” which was a town in Asia Minor, which is present-day Turkey. In Greek, it means “venerable.” Saint Sebastian was a martyred Roman soldier from the third century. You’ll find this name in numerous European languages. 15. Jack. Much like Jackson above, Jack is a form of John, meaning “to be gracious.” Although Jackson was slightly more popular in 2020, Jack has been a staple among old-fashioned English boy names for many years. It peaked in popularity in the 1920s and started making the rounds again in the early 2000s. 16. Owen. As an Anglicized version of the Welsh name Owain, Owen is an excellent contender for old-fashioned boy names as it means “youth.” Many believe it has ties to the name Eugene, while others connect it to the Irish and Scottish name Eoin, which is a Gaelic name for John. 17. Samuel. Another name perfect for shortened titles (think Sam or Sammy), Samuel is Hebrew and means either “God has heard” or “name of God.” In the Bible, Samuel was a ruling judge, but you might also think of the Irish writer Samuel Beckett or the American writer Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain. 18. Wyatt. Falling into both categories of popular and cute old-fashioned boy names, Wyatt comes from a medieval last name derived from the Old English word Wigheard. Together, these names mean “brave” or “hardy” and “battle.” 19. Julian. From the Roman name Iulianus, Julian comes from the name Julius, as in Julius Caesar. In Greek, the name means “downy bearded” but also refers to the Roman god Jupiter. 20. Gabriel. Although you’ll find Gabriel in nearly every European language, it wasn’t popular in English-speaking countries until the late twentieth century. It’s a Hebrew name meaning “God is my strong man” and is most notably associated with the archangel and messenger of God in the Bible.


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Cute Old-Fashioned Boy Names

Although some vintage boy names can sound a bit formal, many are super cute baby names. Below you’ll find some options for sweet and cute old-fashioned boy names. 21. Ansel. Ansel comes from the Germanic name Anselm, which means “God” and “protection.” One of the most famous bearers of this traditional boys’ name is the photographer Ansel Adams, but a popular eleventh-century saint born in Italy also bore the name. 22. Archie. Short for Archibald, Archie became popular with the famous comic series, which debuted in the 1940s. Archibald is Germanic and means “genuine” and “bold.” Although not commonly used since the late 1980s, this adorable boys’ name that starts with A is resurfacing. 23. Atlas. As one of the most historic old-fashioned boy names, Atlas comes from ancient Greek mythology. Atlas was a Titan who was punished by Zeus and forced to support the entire heavens on his shoulders. His name means “enduring” or “to endure.” 24. Brooks. From the English last name Brook, which means to live “by a brook,” Although it’s a unisex name, Brook without the “s,” or spelled Brooke, is more commonly used for girls. 25. Caleb. Related to the Hebrew word kelev, Caleb means “dog.” However, some believe it’s a combination of the two words kal and lev, which mean “whole” and “heart.” The latter meanings alone make this a favorite among cute old-fashioned boy names! 26. Chester. Coming from an Old English last name, Chester meant someone from the village of Chester, which was once a Roman settlement. In Latin, it means “camp” or “fortress.” 27. Demetrius. Derived from the Greek goddess Demeter, this ancient Greek name is the masculine version of the meaning “earth mother.” You’ll find the name throughout Europe, and it was once a popular title for early saints. 28. Elias. Elias is a form of Elijah, which is one of the most popular old-fashioned boy names and means “my God is Yahweh.” You’ll find Elias in Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Finnish, French, and nearly every other European language, plus Arabic. 29. Ezra. Ezra means “help” in Hebrew, which is quite a cute name for a baby boy. Ezra was a priest and prophet in the Old Testament, and the poet Ezra Pound is a well-known bearer of the name. 30. Felix. In Latin, this traditional boys’ name means “lucky” or “successful.” Early on it was commonly used as a nickname, starting with the Roman general Sulla in the first century BCE. You’ll also find it in the Bible and used by several saints and popes. It was historically a very popular name in Spain but started to dip in the early twentieth century. 31. Jasper. From the Hebrew word gizbar, this vintage boys’ name means “treasurer.” You might also see derivatives spelled with a C or K, as in Casper. It was the name of one of the biblical Magi, and has been used in the English-speaking world since the Middle Ages. 32. Jonah. Another Hebrew name, Jonah comes from the word Yonah, which means “dove.” In the Old Testament story, Jonah was a prophet who was swallowed by a fish but was able to escape a few days later. This vintage boys’ name was popular in the Middle Ages, and you might also see the derivative Jonas. 33. Joshua. A very popular name, Joshua (or Josh for short) comes from Hebrew and means “Yahweh is saviour.” The name Jesus is a contracted form of Joshua, as the original name of Joshua was Hoshea, and the name Jesus is a translation of Yeshu'a. 34. Leopold. From two Germanic words, Leopold means “people” and “bold.” In Germany, the name was quite popular with royalty and noble families, in particular the Babenbergs and Hapsburgs. You may also recognize Leopold Bloom from the James Joyce novel Ulysses. Poldi, which is used in German, could be a cute nickname. 35. Maxwell. Max is a cute nickname for Maxwell, but the name is actually related to the Scandinavian name Magnus, which means “great” in Latin. Max also comes from the Scottish name Mack, and when combined with the Old English word wella, you get “Mack’s stream.” 36. Miles. Originally the Germanic name Milo, Miles comes from the Normans. Although the meaning isn’t completely known, many believe it’s connected to the Latin word of the same spelling meaning “soldier,” or the Slavic word milu, meaning “gracious.” 37. Quincy. This vintage boys’ name is also a girl’s name in the Netherlands. It may be connected to the Roman name Quintus meaning “fifth” in Latin and/or is associated with the French village of Cuinchy. 38. Robin. As a unisex name, Robin comes from the medieval name Robert, which means “bright fame.” Robin Hood is a famous bearer of the name, a legendary hero known for stealing from the rich to give to the poor. The name can also be about the red-breasted bird. 39. Rufus. Meaning “red-haired” in Latin, Rufus is the name of several saints. William II, a king of England, adopted it as a nickname because of his red hair. Not only is it a cute and old-fashioned boy name in many countries, it’s also the perfect name for a redhead. 40. Zebedee. As the ancient Greek form of Zebadiah from the New Testament, Zebedee shares the meaning of “Yahweh has bestowed” in Hebrew.

Short Vintage Boy Names

Choosing the length of your baby’s name is also something you may wish to consider. Short titles are great options for old-fashioned baby boy names, and they pair well with longer or more popular middle names for boys. 41. Amis. As a medieval name, Amis comes from the French name Amice, which means “friend.” Neither has truly bounced back from its popularity in the Middle Ages, so it’s certainly a rare old-fashioned name. 42. Beau. Meaning “beautiful” in French, Beau is a unisex name that came into popularity in the twentieth century. It’s famously the name of Ashley and Melanie’s son in Gone With the Wind. Although boys and girls share this name in England, Wales, and the Netherlands, it’s more commonly given to a boy in Canada and the United States. 43. Eli. As Eli is one of the more popular short, old-fashioned boy names, you may think that it is related to Elijah, but it’s actually a name on its own. It means “ascension” in Hebrew, with one famous bearer being Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin. 44. Edgar. Together, the Old English elements ead and gar make up Edgar and mean “wealth” or “fortune” and “spear.” It was one of the more popular old-fashioned boy names in the 1800s and even made a quick appearance as a girl’s name but has since waned. Cute and even shorter nicknames include Ed or Eddy. 45. Evan. Evan is the Welsh form of John, a Hebrew name meaning “Yahweh is gracious.” You’ll find Johns and variations of John nearly all over the world, and other common diminutives include Ivan, Jack, Ian, Sean, Johannes, Joni, and more. So, a baby boy with the name Evan is in good company! 46. Finn. Finn originated from the Old Irish boys’ name Fionn. Meaning “fair” or “white,” Fionn mac Cumhail, or Finn McCool, was a famous mythological hero who gained wisdom from eating an enchanted salmon. It’s a favourite among old-fashioned one-syllable boy names. 47. Gael. The name Gael refers to Gaelic speakers but has earned some modern popularity as a first name in both Spanish and English. In French, it’s a unisex name and occasionally includes an accent, Gaël. 48. Gil. On its own, Gil means “joy” or “happiness” in Hebrew, but there are other associations as well. Gil can also be the shortened version of Gilbert, which means “pledge bright” from its Germanic origins, or it can be the Spanish and Portuguese variation of Giles, which means “young goat” in Greek. 49. Guy. Among short, old-fashioned boy names, this is a worthy option for your little Guy! It’s a variation of the Hebrew name Gai, which means “valley” or “ravine.” But it’s also the Norman French form of the name Wido, which is ancient Germanic for “wood” or “wide.” One of the most famous bearers is the revolutionary Guy Fawkes who planned, unsuccessfully, to blow up the British Parliament. 50. Hugh. Hugh is a German boys’ name that means “heart, mind, spirit,” making it one of the more endearing vintage boy names. It was common among French nobility, originating with the tenth century French king, Hugh Capet. 51. Hugo. Hugo is actually the Latinized form of Hugh, listed above. It’s used throughout Europe, English-speaking countries, and countries with a Latin-based language. Like Hugh, it means “heart, mind, spirit.” 52. Ivan. Although it’s a popular name globally, Ivan originates from an old Slavic name inspired by the Greek name Ioannes. As a derivative of John, it means “Yahweh is gracious.” You may recognize some historic Eastern Europeans with the name, including Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible, two Russian rulers. 53. Jude. A variant of Judas (which is a variant of Judah), Jude means “praise.” It’s a popular name in the English-speaking world. If you like the biblical or Hebrew names but want to keep it short, this is one to consider among old-fashioned boy names. 54. Lou. Used as a shortened form of Louis, Lou comes from the Germanic name Ludwig, which means “famous battle.” German composer Ludwig von Beethoven was probably the most celebrated bearer of the name, as were many kings of England and France.

55. Omar. You can take your pick with the meaning of Omar. It’s a biblical name from the Old Testament and means “speaker” in Hebrew. But it also comes from the Arabic name Umar, which means “populous,” “flourishing,” and “life.” Umar was an important supporter of the Prophet Muhammad. 56. Otto. A cute option for a short old-fashioned boy name, Otto means “wealth” or “fortune.” Your baby boy would share the name with the four kings of Germany, including the first Holy Roman emperor known as Otto the Great. 57. Otis. Otis is related to Otto from above, but it’s more typically used as a last name. It comes from the medieval first name Ode, which, like Otto, means “wealth” or “fortune.” 58. Remy. Considered a modern English name, Remy comes from the French name Rémy, which means “oarsman” or “rower.” But you can also use it as a shortened form of the English unisex name Remington, which represents an area of England. 59. Saul. A Hebrew name from the Old Testament, Saul means “asked for” or “prayed for.” You can opt for the Spanish spelling, which is Saúl with the accent over the letter U. 60. Silas. Another biblical name, Silas is the shortened version of Silvanus, who was a companion of Saint Paul. The name also has a connection to ancient Rome, as silva means “wood” or “forest” and Silvanus was the Roman god of forests.

Unique Traditional Boy Names

Looking for unique and uncommon old-fashioned names for your little man? Check out these options that are truly different. 61. Alf. Although mostly used as the shortened version of Alfred, Alf has ties to the Old Norse language and means “elf” or “elf counsel.” It can also be shorthand for Adolf, which means “noble,” or as a variation of the nickname Alfie. 62. Ambrose. With Latin and Greek origins, Ambrose means “immortal.” It was a popular name in Christian Europe, thanks to theologian and bishop Saint Ambrose. 63. Aurelius. An ancient Roman name, Aurelius comes from the Latin word aureus, which means “golden” and “gilded.” Many early saints shared this name, as did a second-century Roman emperor. 64. Aulus. From the Latin word avulus, Aulus means “little grandfather.” This old-style boy name could be perfect to honour your baby’s grandpa or to channel wisdom. 65. Barnaby. Both cute and unique, Barnaby is an old-fashioned boy name that comes from the German and biblical name Barnabas. It means “son of the prophet” or “son of encouragement.” Somewhat common in the twelfth century, Barnaby is rarely used today. 66. Bartholomew. With the nicknames Bart or Tolly, Bartholomew walks the line between cute and unique for old-fashioned boy names. It means “son of Talmai,” which is a biblical Hebrew name meaning “furrowed.” 67. Cassian. This is a unique, old-fashioned boy name that comes from the name Cassius, which means “vain” or “empty.” Although you probably don’t want those words representing your baby, this is the original name of the boxer Muhammad Ali, who began life as Cassius Clay. 68. Cecil. Pronounced either SEE-sehl or SAY-sehl (your choice), Cecil comes from two Roman names: Cecilia and Sextus. Cecilia is a feminine name meaning “blind” and Sextus is a masculine name meaning “sixth” in Latin. If you want to follow ancient Roman tradition, you’d give this name to your sixth child! 69. Jethro. A unique name, Jethro is an ancient Hebrew moniker meaning “abundance.” You may have heard of Jethro Tull, a famous agricultural pioneer whose name was adopted by the popular British rock band! 70. Linus. Linus comes from a Greek name meaning “flax.” In Greek mythology, Apollo had two sons named Linus, and one was Herakles’ music teacher. You might recognize the name as Charlie Brown’s friend in the comic Peanuts. 71. Malachi. Meaning “my messenger” or “my angel,” Malachi is a Hebrew name of a prophet from the Old Testament. The Book of Malachi predicts the coming of Christ. 72. Maximilian. Although longer than its origin name, Maximilian comes from Maximus, which is Latin for “greatest.” It’s a fairly common name in German-speaking regions and in the United Kingdom. 73. Rainier. As a unique French name, Rainier comes from Rayner, which means “advice” and “army.” It’s also one of the active volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain Range, named Mt. Rainier after a British naval officer. 74. Reginald. Reginald is the Latin form of Reynold, meaning “advice” and “rule”. Although it falls into the category of unique old-fashioned guy names, it also offers a couple of cute and slightly more popular nicknames, such as Reg or Reggie. 75. Silvester. Like Silas from above, Silvester also comes from the Roman “of the forest” and Latin “woods" or "forest.” In Polish, the word sylwester is used to describe the celebrations and festivities of New Year’s Eve, as it’s named after the patron saint of the last day of the year. 76. Socrates. If you really want a rare and unique boys’ name, consider Socrates. It consists of ancient Greek elements meaning “whole,” “unwounded,” “safe,” and “power.” You'll know of the Greek philosopher, whose ideas were communicated by his pupil, Plato. 77. Solomon. Connected to the well-known Hebrew word shalom, Solomon means “peace.” In the Old Testament, Solomon was the King of Israel and was revered for his wisdom. Although not necessarily rare, the name is still unique and not commonly used. 78. Titus. An ancient Roman name meaning “title of honour,” Titus was mentioned in the New Testament. Shakespeare used it in his play Titus Andronicus. 79. Wilfred. Despite its rarity, the nicknames of Wilfred are all quite popular, including Wil (or Will), Willie, and Fred. Wilfred means “desiring peace,” and the name's popularity peaked in 1917. 80. Zebulon. Also spelled Zebulun in ancient Hebrew, Zebulon is a biblical name from the Old Testament. It has two potential meanings, either “to dwell” or “gift.” Although it sounds similar, it’s not related to Zebedee (and, therefore, Zebediah) from above.


Baby Names
Top Boy Names to Inspire You!

Old-Fashioned Hebrew and Biblical Male Names

Old-fashioned boy names with Hebrew or biblical backgrounds are excellent options for combining religious and classic themes. Here are a few biblical boy names to consider. 81. Abraham. As a quintessential biblical boy name, Abraham means “father of many” in Hebrew. Jews consider him to be the founder of the Hebrews via his son Isaac, while Muslims consider him to be the founder of the Arabs via his son Ishmael. 82. Christian. Coming from the Greek boys’ name Cristos, Christian means “anointed.” Early Greek-speaking Christians gave this name to Jesus, who is also referred to as Christ. In Latin, the name simply means “a Christian.” 83. Ezekiel. Meaning “God will strengthen,” Ezekiel was an important prophet in the Old Testament. A cute nickname is Zeke, which is pronounced ZEEK. 84. Isaiah. A traditional Hebrew boys’ name meaning “Yahweh is salvation,” Isaiah was one of the Old Testament’s four main prophets. 85. Jeremiah. Like Isaiah, Jeremiah was an important Old Testament prophet. The name means “Yahweh will exalt.” There are a few nicknames and variants you can use, including Jerry, Jeremy, and Jem. 86. Josiah. This ancient Hebrew name means “Yahweh supports,” and Josiah was a king of Judah. It’s more traditional to pronounce the J with an H sound. But in English, you can pronounce the name with the J sound and opt for Jo or Joe as a nickname. 87. Micah. One of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, Micah comes from the name Micaiah, which means “Who is like Yahweh?” in Hebrew. 88. Nathaniel. Although it’s an ancient Hebrew name, meaning “God has given,” Nathaniel or Nathanael appears in many different cultures. You can opt for Nate or Nathan as a variation. 89. Tobias. Tobias is the Greek form of the name Tobiah, which means “Yahweh is good” in ancient Hebrew. With the nickname Toby, you can easily add this moniker to the lists of cute and short old-fashioned boy names. 90. Zachariah. Spelled Zechariah in the Old Testament, the name means “Yahweh remembers.” In the New Testament, Zechariah was John the Baptist’s father. To mix it up a bit, you can use the Greek variant Zacharias or go with the English Zachary, or Zach/Zack for short.

Old-Fashioned French and Spanish Boy Names

Looking for classic boy names to honour your family heritage or to find an international name? You’re in luck! There are vintage names available in every language and culture. To help you out, we've included some old-fashioned French and Spanish boy names for you to consider. 91. Adelardo. This name is the Spanish and Italian version of the German name Adalhard, which means “noble,” “brave,” and “hardy.” You can also use the French variant, Adélard. 92. Agapito. From the Latin name Agapitus and Greek Agapetos, Agapito is a rare Spanish name meaning “beloved.” It’s one of the sweetest old-fashioned Spanish boy names. 93. Atilio. Atilio is the Spanish version of a well-known Roman family name, Attilius (also spelled Atilius). Although its origins are unknown, the name has a famous bearer. The Roman consul Marcus Atilius Regulus was a hero in the First Punic War. 94. Claude. The name is rooted in both French and British culture, and comes from Claudius, which means “crippled.” Many saints had this name, but probably the most famous bearer is the French painter Claude Monet. 95. Dorian. Another French-turned-English name, Dorian was used by Oscar Wilde in his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The name doesn't have a specific meaning, although it probably stems from the Dorian tribe in ancient Greece. 96. Faustino. In terms of old-fashioned Spanish boy names, Faustino is a rare beauty. It comes from the Roman name Faustus, meaning “auspicious” or “lucky.” You can also use the Spanish nickname Fausto. 97. Ferdinand. Although this name is found in many cultures and languages, it came to Europe via the Iberian Peninsula (present-day Spain and Portugal). It means “journey,” “daring,” and “brave.” 98. Gaston. Don’t let the character from Beauty and the Beast deter you from this one! Gaston is an old-fashioned French boy name meaning “guest” or “strangers.” One of the language’s more subdued retro male names, it began a small comeback in the early 2010s. 99. Ignacio. As the Spanish form of the Roman name Ignatius, Ignacio means “fire” in Latin. Many saints share this name, among them Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Jesuit order. 100. Lorencio. Lorencio is the Old Spanish form of Laurence, which is a place name. It means “from Laurentum,” an ancient Italian city. Saint Laurence was a well-known martyr from Rome, and you can find this name around the world. 101. Maël. From the Breton name Mael, this title comes from a Celtic word meaning “prince” or “chieftain.” Considered a formal name, Maël (pronounced MA-EHL) makes for an elegant old-fashioned French boy name. 102. Manu. Short for Manuel, Manu comes from the classic Spanish boys’ name Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” You can also use Manolo. 103. Marcel. In its French form, Marcel is pronounced MAR-SEHL and comes from the name Marcellus, a diminutive of Marcus. These names connect back to the Roman god Mars, which means “male” in Latin. 104. Maurice. A French name from the Roman Maurus, Maurice means “dark-skinned” and “Moorish.” The Moors were people from Northern Africa who most famously entered Europe through the Iberian Peninsula. 105. Nestor. Nestor might come from Greek mythology, but the name has been popular in Spain as Néstor. It means “returner” or “homecomer,” and you might recognize it (from Homer’s Iliad) as the King of Pylos known for his wisdom. 106. Pascal. This traditional French boys’ name has Latin origins and means “relating to Easter.” In Hebrew, it comes from the word pesach, which means Passover. Pascal has often been used as a last name, such as with the French philosopher Blaise Pascal. 107. Romuald. Pronounced RAW-MUY-ALD in French, this name means “fame” and “rule.” Although it's largely a French name, you can find variants in Italy and the Baltic region of Europe. 108. Raúl. As the Spanish version of Ralph, Raúl is connected to the Old Norse name Ráðúlfr, which combines the words for “counsel” and “wolf.” You’ll also find it as Raoul in French. 109. René. René is the French and Spanish form of Renatus, a late Roman name meaning “born again.” One of the more famous bearers of the name is the French explorer René Descartes. It’s a great option if you want to combine French and Spanish old-fashioned boy names! The only difference is pronunciation, as in French, it’s RU-NEH and Spanish it’s reh-NEH. 110. Román. This old-fashioned Spanish boy name comes from the name Romanus or Roman. In Latin, it simply means “Roman,” so quite a few saints were sharing this name. In French, it’s spelled Romain. 111. Rosendo. As a Spanish name from Spain, Rosendo was particularly popular in the Galicia region, where the tenth-century saint Rudesind (Rosendo) lived. Together, its elements mean “fame” and “path.” 112. Sacha. This French name has an interesting background. It’s the French version of Sasha, which is a Russian nickname for Aleksandr (or Alexander). Alexander is one of the most popular old-fashioned boy names and means “defending men” in Greek. 113. Sancho. Meaning “saintly” and “holy,” Sancho is the Spanish version of the Latin name Sanctius. However, this name might have come from an even older Iberian name, as a ninth-century saint from Córdoba had this title, and it was also shared by many Spanish kings. 114. Santiago. Combining the Spanish word santo (saint) with the Old Spanish name for James (Yago), Santiago means “Saint James.” This is the patron saint of Spain and the capital city of Chile. 115. Xavier. From the Basque word Etxeberria, the name Xavier means “the new house” in both French and Spanish versions—although it’s spelled Javier in Spanish. This is a very common name in the Catholic religion.

English Old-Fashioned Boy Names

Sometimes, parents look for classic and old-fashioned English names for their little guys, which are timeless and have a historical significance, carrying their essence through generations. 116. Clement. Meaning “merciful” and “gentle,” this cute boys’ name starting with the letter C comes from the Latin word Clemens. With the choice of one of the more historically popular old-fashioned English boy names, your little guy would share a name with 14 popes! 117. Dexter. As a Latin word, Dexter means “right-handed” and “skilled.” But in England, it was also used commonly as an occupational last name for dyers, as it meant “one who dyes.” 118. Elmer. Elmer is old-fashioned, historic, and quite interesting! The name comes from the Old English elements æðel, “noble, and mær "famous,” together creating the very rare name Æðelmær. You’ve probably heard of Elmer Fudd from Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny’s nemesis! 119. Franklin. Used as an English last name, Franklin meant “freeman.” Two of the most famous bearers were Benjamin Franklin and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The name's popularity peaked in 1933 but has yet to move back up in the ranks, so it’s a unique treasure at the moment. 120. Frederick. From a Germanic name, Frederick means “peaceful ruler.” Rulers in almost all of the German-speaking regions, including Austria, Prussia, and Scandinavia, have used it. It was also the name of Frederick Douglas, an American born into slavery who became an abolitionist and educational reformer. 121. George. It doesn’t get more classic than George, and the name is certainly one of the most iconic and old-fashioned English boy names. There are almost too many Georges to note! There was the first U.S. president George Washington, the composer George Frideric Handel, the explorer George Vancouver, and the author George Orwell, not to mention the numerous kings, saints, and rulers across Europe. 122. Laurence. If you want an old-fashioned name for your little man, Laurence comes from the Roman Laurentius, meaning “from Laurentum,” an ancient Italian city. It was a very common English name in the Middle Ages and you’ll find it in French Canada as a girl’s name. 123. Lloyd. Although it was very common in the early twentieth century, Lloyd tapered out and hasn’t really been used since the early 2000s. It comes from the Welsh word llwyd, which means “gray.” The famous composer Andrew Lloyd Weber shares this name. 124. Orson. Originally a Norman nickname from the word ors, Orson means “bear.” It’s about as old-fashioned as you can get for your little man, waning in popularity at the turn of the century and maintaining its rarity ever since. 125. Tristan. From the Celtic word drest, which means “riot” or “tumult,” Tristan was a popular name for royalty. You might recognize the name from the legendary love story Tristan and Isolde.


If you’re looking for a vintage boys’ name, our list contains 125 classic options, including:

  • William
  • Benjamin
  • Archie
  • Felix
  • Edgar.

The Bottom Line

With so many old-fashioned boy names out there, it can be a challenge to narrow down your choices. We hope this list helped, but you can also check out more of our Baby Names for more inspiration.

Or, pick up more suggestions for old-fashioned baby boy names, such as how to throw a baby naming party; how to name your baby after a family member; or explore the top 1,000 baby boy names.

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