Popular Lullabies: 9 Songs for Your Baby’s Bedtime
Singing lullabies to your baby is a great way to soothe her, bond with her, and settle her down when bedtime approaches. In fact, the ritual of singing or humming a song can be a key part of your little one's bedtime routine, letting her know that the time for sleep is coming soon. And, as she grows, you can also sing these lullaby songs together. If you’re worried about your singing voice, remind yourself that your baby is not judging you and is comforted by the sound of your voice. You can also sometimes play music or music videos to help put your baby to sleep on those days when you want to give your voice a rest. To give you some inspiration for what to sing, we’ve gathered up some classic lullabies as well as songs from film and popular music that may be used as lullabies.
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Why we love this lullaby: With lyrics based on an early nineteenth-century poem by Jane Taylor and music based on “Ah! vous dirai-je, maman,” a French melody from 1761, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a perennial favourite. The words encourage dreaming, wonder, and imagination—all the things a small child would experience when looking up at the night sky. As your little one gets bigger, you can also start to teach him the hand movements to this popular song. You might remember these from your own childhood, or want to search online for some examples.
“Cradle Song” (Brahms’s Lullaby) or “Wiegenlied”
Why we love this lullaby: Another classic lullaby, “Cradle Song” (also commonly known by its first line, “Lullaby and goodnight”) was actually composed by Johannes Brahms and published in 1868 as “Wiegenlied” (German for cradle song) for one of his former flames on the birth of her second child. The original German lyrics are based on a folk poem. Translated into English, it’s just as beautiful, encouraging your little one to lie down, rest, and fall asleep. Check out the version Jennifer Hudson recorded for Pampers, above.
“All the Pretty Little Horses”
Why we love this lullaby: Most likely African American in origin, “All the Pretty Little Horses” promises that if the baby goes to sleep, she’ll have “all the pretty horses” when she awakes. The lullaby song has been recorded by many popular artists, and even inspired a novel of the same name. The version of the music in the video above is both touching and haunting. You might also find it relaxing yourself to sing this song to your baby to help put her to sleep.
“All Through the Night”
Why we love this lullaby: This Welsh song is a well-known hymn, but it also doubles as a lullaby song. It’s sometimes also considered a Christmas carol. It was first published in 1784, and it was later translated into several languages, including English.
The lyrics encourage your little one to go to sleep, promising protection from guardian angels and loved ones.
“When You Wish Upon a Star”
Why we love this lullaby: This tender song appears in the classic Disney animated film Pinocchio, which was originally released in 1940. It’s one of the highest-ranked Disney film songs and won the 1940 Academy Award for Best Original Song. The lyrics are easy to remember. It encourages reaching for the stars, following your heart, and dreaming big.
“Baby Mine”
Why we love this lullaby: From the 1941 Disney film Dumbo, “Baby Mine” is sung by Dumbo’s mother, a caged circus elephant, as she cradles her little one with her trunk. The tune and the lyrics are perfect as a lullaby song, and reinforce the bond between parent and child, the comfort of being taken care of and watched over.
“You Are My Sunshine”
Why we love this lullaby: Although not originally a lullaby, “You Are My Sunshine” has become one because of its touching lyrics. Originally a country song, in recent years it’s appeared in many TV commercials with babies. It’s considered one of the most-covered songs in American popular music.
“Over the Rainbow”
Why we love this lullaby: This tune from The Wizard of Oz has become one of the most famous film songs for a reason: It’s heartfelt and it’s about making dreams come true. Composed by Harold Arlen with lyrics by Yip Harburg, “Over the Rainbow” won an Academy Award in 1939.
“Stay Awake”
Why we love this lullaby: From the endearing Mary Poppins film, this lullaby, written by the Sherman brothers, is sung by the incomparable nanny Mary Poppins as portrayed by Julie Andrews. Mary can’t get the Banks children to go to sleep after a day filled with activity, so she uses a bit of reverse psychology in this song, which works wonders on Jane and Michael as their eyelids get heavy and they eventually fall peacefully asleep. For fans of the film, this would be a cute way to sing your baby to sleep.
The Bottom Line
We hope these ideas for lullabies inspire you to warm up your vocal cords. Singing a lullaby song or playing music to your little one at bedtime can be a wonderful bonding moment as well as help put your baby to sleep. If you’d like, you can even create your own lullaby, as some Pampers Parents did.